Wednesday 16 March 2011

Thor: The Mighty Avenger, Volume Two (Review)

Writer: Roger Langridge
Artist: Chris Samnee
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Collects: Journey into Mystery #85-86; Thor: TMA #5-8

In my review of the first volume of this "closed continuity" series I said that it felt like a superhero rom-com. It left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside, but did not leave much of an impression on my mind. Nevertheless, I liked it enough to pick up this second and (sadly) final volume. Thank Odin that I did.

Although the tragically premature death of this series means a few sub-plots were left unresolved -- the identity of the person or persons who captured Thor, why Thor was sent to Earth, what (if anything) Loki was up to -- the only thing that was really important, the relationship between Thor and Jane, sees a happy end.

Their story evolves out of the sweet but formulaic "will-they-won't-they?" and into something more like a fairy tale romance, which seems a lot more suited to this character, and to Langridge's talented dialogue and elegantly simple characterisations. The exchange between Thor and Heimdall that shows Thor's true feelings for Jane is a brilliant example of both, and truly made my heart heavy.

Not that the story skimps on action of course. There's plenty of that too, involving more of those sitcom-style cameos that are too cheesy not to love. One could argue that the series would stand stronger without Namor or Iron Man popping in for a visit, but this series is (or was) about having fun more than worrying about such things.

Samnee's art is just as beautiful as in the first volume; his character posing and facial expressions provide maximum hilarity and joy, and the action scenes give him a more dynamic challenge that he pulls off excellently.

I know that horrible trade-waiters like me are probably the reason this series was discontinued, but I still feel quite sad and a little annoyed that it was cut short so soon. But the brightest stars burn fastest, and all good things, etc.

Rating: 4/5

Like the first volume, this came with some older stories in the back, but I haven't read them yet.

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