Posts Guide

A helpful guide to the types of posts on Comics By Trade.

Reviews - Plain and simple, these are reviews of new trades I've read that week.

Classic Reviews - Reviews of older stories. (I'll try for two reviews per week, although one or both of them may be Classic Reviews, depending on what I bought that week.)

The Weekly Trade - What I've bought this week (Wednesday-Tuesday), new and old.

Where Do I Start With... - This is a monthly, in-depth introduction to various different series and characters; what trades to buy, what to read next, etc.

A-Musing - My own little, self-indulgent ponderings on comic books and the like. Hopefully, this will be weekly too, but we'll see. If not, it will be replaced with a third review.

Quote of the Week - Whatever stuck in my head that week. Chosen every Wednesday, and left anonymous and uncredited for fun.

No posts on the weekend. 'Cause I got stuff to do, man.