Wednesday 24 November 2010

A-Musing: The Next Batman Movie Villain

With Christopher Nolan's next instalment in the Batman film series, The Dark Knight Rises (if that is its real name), set for a July 2012 release, speculation has been rampant online as to the identity of the villain(s).

Nolan is spoiled for choice, with over 70 years worth of material to dig through. Will he pick another big name character, or go for someone more C-list? This is the guy who made Inception, so who knows how his mind works.

But I can offer you my guesswork, based upon hours of speculation and logical reasoning that I just made up on the spot. Knowing the world as I do, there will very probably be an official announcement immediately upon my posting this list, so enjoy it while you can.

(This list only includes villains I consider to be high-level. No Penny Plunderer or Calendar Man. It also discounts villains that Nolan has explicitly denied, such as the Penguin, Mr. Freeze and the Riddler.)



He poses both a physical and an intellectual threat to Batman. With the Joker out of the way, he is the next logical step, having previously crippled Batman in the comics and then taken over Gotham's criminal underworld. He has the biggest "Oh shit!" factor.

Black Mask

This is who my money is on. With Gotham's criminal infrastructure brought down by Batman, it is ripe for takeover and consolidation, which Black Mask is known for. He is also subtly terrifying; an excellent mirror for the Joker. Plus, he hates Bruce Wayne, not Batman, which is new.


With Rachel Whatshername killed in The Dark Knight (SPOILERS), there's gonna be a need for a love interest ('cause, y'know… Hollywood) and there's no choice more purrrfect than Catwoman.

Dr. Hugo Strange

A psychiatrist obsessed with discovering Batman's secret identity could make for a fascinating story. And, without a silly codename or costume, he lends himself easily to realism.

Harley Quinn

The Joker's crazy girlfriend might be a little too similar to the Joker himself, but I can sadly see them going with her just to cash in on the previous villain's popularity. But I believe in Christopher Nolan.

Killer Croc

Although I don't think he can hold his own as the main villain, I can see him as a side distraction for Batman. He also has a tragic backstory that is often left unexplored. Honestly though, if it wasn't for the rumours, he'd be a "maybe".

Talia al Ghul

She has both the love interest and revenge factors, and could serve as a nice "full circle" for this film series.



Originally appearing in the comics as a actor-turned-master-of-disguise-turned-murderer, rather than the modern shapeshifter, this could be interesting, but maybe not worth dedicating a whole movie to.


A master assassin is just the kind of person that might be hired to track down the now-fugitive Dark Knight, but I personally don't see him as a deep enough character.


Fire-obsessed pyromaniac who burns down stuff for fun with the aid of a high-tech suit. Again, could be interesting, but only on the side.

Great White Shark

Although not well known, his status as one of Gotham's prime crimelords, running operations while being happily incarcerated at Arkham Asylum, is just the type of realism we're looking for.


His lack of household name status means that his hatred for Bruce Wayne will very probably just be folded into Black Mask's backstory.

The Mad Hatter

Again, he might be a bit too similar to the Joker, but if Nolan stays with the trend he's been on with the other films, he could make the Hatter really creepy without being unrealistic.

Poison Ivy

I can see her being adapted into some kind of lunatic environmentalist (aren't they all?) but don't know if that's an avenue Nolan is likely to explore.

The Ventriloquist

You wanna talk creepy; this is the guy. Despite the danger of portraying him too ridiculously, he seems like the next evolution in that he is an insane crime boss, which is the kind of guy the Joker left things open for.



Teenager with extreme political views? Boring. Next!


Angry Russian soldier with poor grasp of English? This isn't the 90's anymore. Next!

Killer Moth

An anti-Batman who works for criminals? I could see this working… if not for the silliness factor. Next!


A scientist who becomes a half-man/half-bat hybrid? It's realism we're looking for here, people. Next!

Maxie Zeus

Crimelord who thinks he's Zeus incarnate? I'd love this, but he's often treated too comically to work. Next!


Many have said he deserves a second chance, this time in the spotlight. But we're looking for something new, sorry. Next!

Tweedledee and Tweedledum

Next! Next! NEXT!

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